Citymis is a web and mobile application, designed for the operational management of reports on municipal utilities. It is very easy to use both for residents and for municipal officials, and was designed especially for small and medium municipalities. Citymis is an eGov app through which municipalities listen and respond in real time in a collaborative network, significantly reducing the response time and improving the quality of the interaction with citizens. Recent advances in intelligent systems for eGov have led to the integration of sentiment analysis and argumentation technologies. In this paper we discuss work in progress on an extension of Citymis, called Citymis OpTree, which extends the natural capabilities of Citymis by adding intelligent opinion mining.
Authors: Marcos Malamud, Ana Gabriela Maguitman, Carlos Chesñevar , Florencia Gamboa.
Conference: ICEGOV2016
Citymis Community is an ecosystem of expert applications for the Web and mobile devices.
Citymis has been designed with focus on the citizen, the communication, and the service operation for the daily operative management of Government units, such as Municipalities, Federal Governments or States.
The main goal of Citymis is a transformation towards networked cities that are transparent, participative, collaborative, and open to all their members (citizens, government officials, public agents, and service companies), where everyone can listen to each other in a digital, dynamic and efficient way.